American Idol Finale

Quick recap

Adam is good, Kris is better.
Kara sucks as a song writer.
I couldn't tell if Paula was on or off her meds tonight.
Simon was unusually restrained during the last critique. I'm surprised he didn't take a couple swipes at the song.
Maybe it's because I'm old and tend to listen to adult contemporary, which I think means talented artists, but I can see myself purchasing a Kris Allen album. Adam? Not so much. Kris more than held his own tonight and I think that's all he needed to do.

Your new American Idol, Kris Allen. The first single is a dud, if it's that craptacular song that Kara wrote. As the wife said, "It took three people to write that?"


  1. gmawheezy said...
    I agree....I am personally tired of Adam and his screaming. I am tired of looking down his throat everytime he sings. I like Kris. I hope he wins. Congrats to Shawn Johnson on her new title Dancing with the Stars Champion.
    Sara said...
    Ya know, I really liked Adam to start off, but Kris has really grown on me- and it's Kris' songs that I download far more than Adam's few where he's not screeching. I can totally see myself buying Kris' albums. And I wholeheartedly agree- if he has to have that sucky song as his first, he'll be lucky to make it past it. That song was horrid. PS- you can thank your wife for sending me here :) Keep up the good work.
    A Christian Mom said...
    I only watched a small handful of episodes this season. It was clear that the judges had Adam picked out from the very beginning. I, on the other hand, can't stand to hear someone scream through their songs & don't call that music or singing for that matter!

    I think Kris did a great job last night & I hope that he comes out the winner.

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