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So the question of the moment is: Was it staged or not? In case you missed it this last week. Sasha Baron Cohen, famous for his outrageous characters (Borat for example), was doing a stunt at the MTV movie awards as his character Bruno. Watch the video below to see what happened.

Now everyone wants to know whether Eminem and MTV were in on the joke. There seems to be several theories.

1. It was a complete accident.
2. Cohen planned the "incident" without the knowledge of Eminem and MTV.
3. Cohen and MTV planned and executed it on the dupe (Eminem).
4. Cohen, Eminem and MTV were all in on it.

Consider the facts. 1. Eminem has a new album out. 2. Cohen is currently promoting his new movie. 3. MTV is still trying to be relevant.

Conclusion: With a weak Andy Kaufman imitation, it was completely staged.

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